Winter Voices Guide


Attributes You Control

For every level you obtain, you can place a maximum of 5 points in any given attribute when you level up. If you have 3 levels pending, you can place up to 15 points in any given attribute.

Starting Attribute Values per Class
Attribute Huntress Weaver Volva
Will Power 15 10 10
Memory 10 10 30
Perspicacity 15 10 15
Humor 10 30 10
Intuition 30 10 10
Charisma 10 15 15
Impacts Absorbtion
Opens certain humorous dialog options
Weaver's primary attribute
Will Power
Impacts Energy Points
Negatively impacts Mitigation
Acts as a multiplier to your base EXP
Any increases to Memory apply to all obtained EXP retroactively
Volva's primary attribute
Increases the PP on the first turn
Improves PP regeneration per round
Reduces the loss of PP and MP
Improves healing abilities of some skills
Impacts Dodging
Increases the range on Detection
Improves the HP on some summons
Huntress's primary attribute

Class Bonus Attributes

  • You will receive Level * 5 to your bonus attribute for each level (+5 for Lv 1, +15 for Lv3)
  • This is purely displayed in game and is not reflected in the save file
  • You receive these bonuses even if you don't click the level up button to distribute your points

Miscelaneous Attributes

Energy Points (Health)
100 + (30 * Level) + (3 * WillPower)
Psyche Points
The amount of PP you have available to use skills
This value is 10 by default
The character window only adjusts this value if you have skills that directly increase your PP, does not reflect bonuses from Perspicacity
Movement Points
The default number of MP you start with per round
This can only be increased by specific passive skills
Fatigue (Stamina)
Indicates how soon you need to rest
The lower your Fatigue, the more tired you are
Adjusts the amount of damage taken by a percentage
Negative numbers increase the amount of damage taken, while positive reduces
Memory increases this number by a negative amount
Reduces damage by a fixed amount
Influenced by Humor
The rate at which you evade attacks
Influenced by Intution
The amount of Energy you recover per round
The base amount recovered is Level + 1
Dissipation Resist
Your resistance to the dispelling effects of enemy attacks
This can only be increased by specific passive skills
Flaws Resist
Your resistance to the Flaws enfeeble
This can only be increased by specific passive skills

Perspicacity vs. PP (Source)

The number displayed in your character window
10 + Bonuses from Skills
From 0
The amount of PP you regenerate after depleting your PP completely on the previous turn
Base PP + Floor(Perspicacity / 30)
The amount of PP you start with at the beginning of the encounter
The maximum amount of PP you can regenerate
(From 0 * 2) - 1
The amount of PP you regenerate each round
From 0 + Floor(PP from Last Round / 2)

There appears to be some sort of inflection point where the amount of PP you can start with at the beginning of an encounter is actually higher than the maximum amount of PP you can regenerate. You can see it in the table below with 265 Perspicacity and 10 base PP. Passing turns with that extra PP doesn't cause you to lose PP.

Perspicacity's Impact on PP
Pers. Base From 0 Start Cap Regeneration
85 10 12 18 23
  • 0, 12, 18, 21, 22, 23
110 10 13 20 25
  • 0, 13, 19, 22, 24, 25
  • 20, 23, 24, 25
  • 9, 17
135 10 14 25 27
  • 0, 14, 21
  • 6, 17, 22
  • 9, 18, 23, 25, 26, 27
265 10 18 36 35
  • 0, 18, 27, 31, 33, 34, 35
265 16 24 36 47
  • 24, 36, 42, 45, 46, 47

Humor vs. Absorbtion

Abs Humor PNI
0 10-17
1 18-30 13
2 31-42 12
3 43-54 12
4 55-65 11
5 66-75 10
6 76-86 11
7 87-96 10
8 97-106 10
9 107-116 9
10 116-125 10
11 126-?
13 145
23 240

Intution vs. Dodge

Dog Intution
0 10
1 15
3 20
4 25-30
5 35
6 45
12 95-100