Winter Voices Guide

Episode 2: Nowhere of Me

This is still a work in progress, not everything is 100% accurate.

EXP values are listed as "base" values only (the number you would see within the save game file) and are not modified by your Memory.

  1. Diverging Paths
    1. The Looping Village
    2. Cold and Loneliness, I or Cold and Growls, I
    3. Memories
    4. Castle in Ruins
  2. The Path Changes You
    1. Do you remember me?
    2. Blizzard, I
    3. Blizzard, II
    4. Winter Voices, I
  3. All Paths Converge Here
    1. Inkeri's Basement
    2. The Dead Lands, II
    3. The Dead Lands, I
    4. Shadow's Friend

You will have to make a decision as to which route you want to take here. The game implies that some routes are longer or easier than others, but there are only a few real differences:

Path Game Description Ability Ven?
a (B) South Easier route, but you run the risk of being attacked by animals Living Road Intuition +25 Yes
b (F) Tundra Most direct route, but risk of exposure Cold and Broken Song Will +25 Yes
c (S) North Low risk, but so long that you might run out of supplies The Sounds of Silence Memory +35 No

The ability you receive is stored in <scriptvar name="$ep2path$" value="B"/> in your save game files.

There are 2 route choices initially: ab and bc. From there, you are only allowed to choose 2 of the routes: a (Intuition) or b (Will) if you went on route ab or b (Will) or c (Memory) if you took route bc. After the 2nd set of ruins, the paths converge. Only path c is unable to meet Ven.

Diverging Paths

The Looping Village (+8000 EXP)

For the first time, you'll dream of something other than oppressive shadows. Your goal is to reach your house, but your memory is playing tricks on you so it won't be where you think it is. If you take an incorrect route, you'll be returned to the beginning.

  • Door to Southwest
  • Door to Southwest
  • West path
  • Door to East

The First Ruins (+32000 EXP)

The first 3 encounters of this episode occur all in a row during your rest in the ruins, you will not be able to save inbetween. The first will be different depending on which path you take.

The Lost Broken seek to exchange their position with yours... Will you be able to use this to make your progress faster?

Cold and Growls, I (Path ab)

Make your way through the ruins in less than 10 turns

Getting to the destination tile before your 10th turn begins grants 100% success. Each additional turn reduces the success rate by 10%. To get there, you will need to take advantage of the Lost Broken's Exchange ability or have a number of +MP abilities (Courage alone isn't good enough).

You can take a shortcut over the log(?) to the Southwest where the Lost Broken will will use Exchange and teleport you across.

Cold and Loneliness, I (Path bc)

Make your way through the ruins

Without the 10 turn restriction, this is a pretty typical reach the destination tile encounter.


Survive 10 rounds

Your typical survive 10 rounds encounter.

Castle in Ruins

Survive the destruction of the Shards

You stand in the center of the map with 6 copies of yourself and 2 Forgotten Brokens. There are a pair of indigo colored tiles and a pair of yellow colored tiles: they teleport you to the opposite same colored tile. The rounds follow this pattern: nothing special, Shard begins pulsing yellow, Shard dies and a new Forgotten Broken is added to the map. When the Shard dies, it will instantly kill anything within range: you or the Forgotten Broken.

  • Far left
  • Lower right
  • Far right
  • Upper left
  • Upper right
  • Lower left

The Path Changes You

Do You Remember Me? (+4000-10000 EXP)

You will appear in 4 different rooms, each with a shadow who will ask you if you remember who they are. If you guess wrong , you will have to go through an encounter where you must escape (grants 1000 EXP). If you guess correctly, you will gain gain 3000 EXP instead. There is no correct answer in the 4th room, you must go through the encounter.

  • Olov the Stranger
  • Grandpa Silk
  • Eini

None of the Oblivion encounters from answering incorrectly count towards achievements like As I Lay Dying.

The Second Ruins

Blizzard, I (+10000 EXP, how did I get +20000 EXP before?)

Make your way to the exit

A new enemy appears: Time. They'll attack whoever is closest (friend or foe) with a variety of debilitating abilities, but they'll always advance towards you (and your allies?). The exit is to the North (initially off screen), not Northwest.

The arrangement of the shadows differs slightly, depending on the route you took. Otherwise, the encounter is identical.

Blizzard, II (+10000 EXP)

Survive 10 rounds

Another typical survive 10 rounds encounter.

Winter Voices, I (+18000 EXP)

Listen to all of the Winter Voices

There are 5 yellow spirits and 4 yellow tiles. The idea is to use the yellow tiles to reach each the yellow tile in front of each spirit. Failure to use a yellow tile each turn will force you to start over from the beginning.

You will be granted with a passive skill that grants an attribute bonus depending on which route you took to get here:

Path Ability Description
South Living Road Intuition +25
Tundra Cold and Broken Song Will +25
North The Sounds of Silence Memory +35

All Paths Converge Here

Inkeri's Basement (+8000 EXP)

You will have to answer a series of questions. No matter how you answer, there appears to be no difference in the amount of experience rewarded. The last question has a correct answer (4 years ago), but answering wrong only changes the final dialog.

The Third Ruins

Yes, the numbering for The Dead Lands encounters really are listed backwards in game.

The Dead Lands, II (+10000 EXP)

Make your way through the ruins

Nothing unusual here.

The Dead Lands, I (+4000 EXP)

Make your way through the ruins

Nothing unusual here.

Shadow's Friend (+? EXP)

Gather the lost Shards. The Grey Fire attracts them. No Shard should be destroyed.

There are 5 copies of yourself: 2 to the South and 3 to the North. There is an orange tile that will turn you into a Grey Flame for a 7(?) turns, 4 yellow tiles for teleporting yourself, one blueish tile to the North for teleporting the Shards, and 1 green tile to the South for reconstructing the Shards. You'll want to start in the South area, since those Shards are in immediate danger.

  • Inner Sea

    Achieve a 100% success in every encounter of the second episode.

  • As She Came Riding Through The Dark

    Achieve a 100% success in every encounter of the second episode while playing a Volva with a maximum memory.

Leave the Ruins

If you took path a or b, Ven will be standing here waiting for you. If you took path c, you will discover that someone was there, but you've just missed them.

  • Hunter's Lullaby

    Hire Ven.

  • Nowhere Of Me

    Complete the second episode.

The EXP cap for Nowhere of Me is 395000.