Episode 1: Those Who Have No Name
In addition to traps, there will now be tiles labeled "Vague" that do not need to be detected. These will effect both you and the enemies in negative ways.
If you have the "Secret of the Norns" DLC, there will be an NPC on the very first map of this episode you will want to speak to. If you are loading from a previous save file, rather than traveling from the village, she may not be there.

If you do not have the Secret of the Norns DLC, you will not be able to progress. All of your UI elements will disappear and you will not be able to rest or anything else. To get around this, you will need to open pathto\winter voices ep 1\ep1\scripts\initgame.act with a text editor and delete this line:
<action type="execute" param1="checknornsdlc" param2="adderja"/>
Makeshift Shelters
Each time you jump to a different shelter on the world map, you will be forced to spend the night at a makeshift shelter or outdoors. You will experience a random dream each night.

Dreams (3000 EXP)
Escape from the village. This map is a little annoying due to multiple Creepy the Namelesses pushing you away from the exits.

Dreams (3000 EXP)
Survive 10 rounds.

Dreams (3000 EXP)
Get inside the house. A Creepy the Nameless guards the door along with a row of traps. Pass a few turns to build up enough movement points before crossing the traps to reach the door in a single turn.

The Longest Night (3000 EXP)
Survive 1000 rounds. This encounter appears if you are forced to sleep outside without a shelter, and is much less common than the other random dreams. There are 3 green tiles, each one you step on reduces the number of turns you must survive (200, 40, ?). I was on the 11th turn when I stepped on the last tile.

- 500 EXP - Eevert (2nd shelter)
- 1750 EXP - Nicoli (3rd shelter)
- 250-350 EXP - Allti (4th shelter)
Dreams (6000 EXP), 1st shelter
Get inside the refuge. There are a lot of traps between you and the shelter, along with some Creepies that will prevent you from reaching your destination.
If you have the "Secret of the Norns" DLC, you will want to step on tile labeled "Secret". When you step on that tile, it will transform you and give you a temporary ability that will let you damage the enemies. You will need to destroy all enemies on this map to count toward the "Norn In Chains" achievement.

Those Who Have No Name (7000 EXP), 2nd shelter
Cross the forest. If you travel the max distance you can go every turn, new enemies will pop up every other turn. Just keep going past them.

Dreams (6000 EXP), 3rd shelter
Survive 10 rounds. There's a set of traps near each Forgotten the Faceless, and they will use Fascination to drag you into them. Stand adjacent to one or stay well out of range.

Those Who Have No Face (9000 EXP), 4th shelter
Survive 20 rounds. This is a map of the market area of the village. Every few turns, the villagers will transform and begin assaulting you.

The Inn
Inn Patrons (7200 EXP)
- 500 EXP - Estar
- 500 EXP - Lars
- 500 EXP - Reija
- 250 EXP - Olle
- 1750 EXP - Miia
- 2000 EXP - Jarla
- 1750 EXP - Emmi
The Three Roads (2000 EXP)
Escape from the room. Repel upgrades are disabled. 2 Creepy the Namelesses will push you around, nothing you haven't experienced before.
The Three Roads (4000 EXP)
Flee out of the Inn. Repel upgrades are disabled. More Creepies will push you around. It's set up a bit like a maze. Only push obstacles as far as you need to, it is possible to botch this one up if you're too aggressive.
The Three Roads (6000 EXP)
Examine the roads you can follow. When you reach the green tile, you will be transported back to the middle of the map, additional enemies will spawn, and the green tile will now be in a different location. You will need to step on the green tile a total of 3 times.
The Three Roads (18000 EXP)
- Talk to Sygg
- Talk to V
- Talk to Sygg
- Make your way through the path of darkness
Each time you speak to the appropriate NPC, the enemies on the field will change. After speaking to Sygg the 2nd time, all enemies will vanish and a majority of the map will be filled with traps (can do 700~900 damage to a MMV, depending on level).
If you go far to the right (where you started), the path near Allti is free of traps but enemies will appear as you make your way through it (including a couple that use Fascination to drag you around). This is not an issue if you have Betrayal or are able to get out of their range every round. There is additional dialog if you choose this route.
Stranger Song
Achieve a 100% success in every encounter of the first episode.
Black Ice
Achieve a 100% success in every encounter of the first episode while playing a Volva with a maximum memory.

Those Who Have No Name
Complete the first episode.
The EXP cap for Episode 1 is 285000. There does not appear to be enough EXP available to reach the cap without editing your save files.