Episode 3: Like a Crow on a Wire
This is still a work in progress, not everything is 100% accurate.
EXP values are listed as "base" values only (the number you would see within the save game file) and are not modified by your Memory.
- The Village of Wood
- The Village of Shadows
- Shadows Village (Explore)
- Shadows Village (Flee)
- Shadows Village (Discover)
- Shadows Village (The Ceremony)
- Prepare to face the Mountain
- Into the Mountain Pass
Episode 3 begins in a small village, but friendly village. It is implied that this village is larger than your home village, but it certainly doesn't feel that way once you start exploring it.
The Village of Wood
Speak to the Villagers (10850 EXP)
1200 EXP
1750 EXP
1050 EXP
3050 EXP
2050 EXP
1750 EXP
NPCs of Interest
- Essi
- Village volva
- Old Pakkasta
- Custodian of the communal home where you can rest
- Teemu
- Runs the hunter's lodge and will find work for you
- Mikka
- A weaver who will speak about the Norns (may be required for Norns DLC encounter in this episode)
The Old Volva's House
Next to Essi's house is a boarded up old house you can slip inside of by walking to the far left side. There is a book to steal which will prompt some relationship building dialog with Ven if he's with you. There's also a disturbing old diary from the previous Volva with a few of the pages missing. Once you find the missing pages, an encounter will begin.
Kairi's Diary (10000 EXP)
Read the four pages
There are 4 tiles to step on that will continue telling the story that the missing pages reveal. If you want the achievement, you need an ability that grants additional MP otherwise you will be 1 tile away when your 13th turn ends.

This encounter counts towards the "Memories" achievement.
The description for this achievement is incorrect. You must win in 10 turns or less.

Through Blood & Writings
Win the secret encounter in 13 10 turns or less.
The Village of Shadows
Your first task is to find a place to rest. That would be the communal lodge that Old Pakkasta takes care of. Your first night's rest comes easy, but the following nights require forcing yourself to rest.
Shadows Village (6000 EXP)
Explore the Surroundings
Not much to do here other than walk outside.

Flee to the South
Stranger shadows bear a well chosen name... Harmless if they are nearby, their damages increase drastically with distance.
Typical escape encounter.

Shadows Village (6000 EXP)
Discover what the shadows are planning
Speak to the shadows of these NPCs (they're in the same location as their living counterparts):
- Elmo
- Essi
- Klaus

Shadows Village (16000 EXP)
Go to the Pyre.
Once you're outside, walk to the right and you'll find a funeral pyre. The shadows will babble about the ceremony you're about to go through.

Shadows' Pact
You have 10 turns to make the vivactious memories burn. Vivacious memories still alive will be a handicap for the whole fight.
If you don't care about the Under-Eye Shadows achivement, then this part is extremely easy. The Vivacious Memories will suicide themselves on the orange tiles very quickly. If you do want to get the achievement, you'll need to figure out how to keep all 6 from killing themselves for 10 rounds (which can be a very tricky task, depending on the abilities you took).

Shadows' Pact
Choose between adventurer, stranger, and deserter
The choice you make here determines what objectives you need to fulfill for the final part of this encounter and the fourth ability you receive while in Pyre Princess mode (which unlocks at the end of this episode).

It is currently impossible to get the achievement on the Adventurer or Deserter path. For some reason, the encounter just stops working (can't use abilities, can't pass turn, etc.).
Deserter, escape the shadows and the pyre.
The only thing worth mentioning is the massive collection of traps between you and the exit that will take away all of your remaining MP.

Stranger, hold out 4 consecutive turns without losing energy.
This objective is a little more difficult than the objectives for other two encounters. You must not take any damage for 4 consecutive rounds and the shadows here have some crazy long range.

Adventurer, reach the entrance of the village safe and sound.
An escape encounter where the shadows do a considerable amount of damage.

Choice | Ability | Description |
Deserter | Blaze | Instantly applies 3 burns on every enemy present as well yourself |
Stranger | Inner Fire | Your next fire ability cost no psyche. Works on the following abilities: Burn, Wildfire, Crack and Pyre (Ven) |
Adventurer | Cinders | Increase your move points by 2 for 5 turns. |

Under-Eye Shadows
End the ceremony with the 6 initial vivacious memories still present.
Obtain some rations. (+6000 EXP)
Once you've rested up, go find Teemu and ask if you can do some work in exchange for some rations. The task he'll give you will depend on your profession.
- Weaver
- Help Jori
- Huntress
- Volva
- Clear the Kairi's Diary encounter and explain some of the items you've obtained from the room
Prepare to face the Mountain (28000 EXP)
- (1100 EXP) Fredrik
The next 3 encounters occur in a row, there is no saving allowed in between. All of the traps here will sap your MP.
The Longing, I
Leave the village
There's a few traps to worry about, the enemies are nothing special.

The Longing, II
Leave the refuge
Your typical escape encounter.

She Who Overwhelms
Reach the foot of the shadow. She deals more damage as you approach her, but none if you are nearby, and her damages decrease with time.
The traps will sap your MP, making it difficult to win in 4 turns or less for the "Genius of the Mountain Pastures" achievement without a +MP ability or two.

Genius of the Mountain Pastures
Pass through the mountain's shadow in 4 turns or less.
I Lay Upon A Mountain
Pass through the mountain's shadow in 10 turns or more.
The Frontier
You reached the frontier. On the frontier, some of your abilities are less efficient; some others are disabled.
We're introduced to a new enemy: Blizzard. They do some minor damage every turn, in addition to being able to push you back several tiles. The higher up the mountain you go, the stronger they push.
The Frontier, I (7000 EXP)
Get through the ledge. Protecting yourself from the blizzard will probably be necessary.
You'll take minor damage throughout the encounter. You'll need to save up some MP and take advantage of the terrain to keep yourself from being blown back (rock, log, etc.).

The Frontier, II (7000 EXP)
Get through the ledge. Be on the watch for loose soils, and use the covers.
There seem to be loose soils here. If you do not detect them, you could get bogged down, which would slow you down and exhaust you more.
There are a few traps on the ground that will sap your MP. There are also orange tiles on the ground where you will be safe from damage so you can pass a few rounds to recover EP or build MP without losing progress.

The Frontier, III (7000 EXP)
Reinforce the roof, then return to the shelter.
I think the objective is to simply step on each of the green tiles, but there's no indication that you did anything. The blizzard will push you around, making it difficult to get back to the starting tile.

The Frontier, IV (7000 EXP)
Get through the ledge to the shelter
Another escape encounter and even stronger Blizzards to make progress annoyingly difficult.

The Frontier, V (7000 EXP)
Get through the snowbridge that leads to the pass.
Another escape encounter and even stronger Blizzards to make progress annoyingly difficult.
This encounter counts towards the Norns in Chains achievement (requires Secret of the Norns DLC). Possibly requires speaking to Mikka to open up. You will need to step on the Secret tile, and then step on all of the additional yellow tiles.

The Last March (? EXP)
Try to reach the cover on the left.
Your shadow pulls you into the lower left corner until you get out into the open and the Blizzards will continuously push you into the lower right corner, making it extremely difficult to pass. You will need to take advantage of the terrain to keep you from blowing away and save up 7 MP every time you want to go anywhere (Flight (4 MP), pass (5 MP), Flight (6 MP), pass (6 MP), Flight (7 MP)).

Take the path to the woodwork.
You'll find yourself outside of Meikka's house where your shadow will reveal herself as one of your tormentors. You'll need to reach the tile at the top of the map while she continuously pulls you back down. Her pull distance is small compared to the number of tiles you can move per round, so you'll get to the end eventually.

Reach the unique central rock.
Stand on the closer of the two cover tiles to the rock and save up 7 MP.

Burn your shadow until she disappears totally.
Your first taste of Pyre Princess mode and it feels good. Unless you're playing as an exceptionally low EP heroine, you should have no trouble doing this in 10 turns for the achievement. Stack Burn 3 times, then use Wildfire. You can safely ignore using Crack to dispel the Oblivion effect on you, unless you have plenty of EP to spend.

Pyre Princess
Burn down your shadow in 10 turns or less.
Get through the pass to the west mountainside.
Again, you'll have to save up MP and take advantage of the terrain to get to your final destination.
Beyond the Pillars
Win the mountain last encounter without losing more than 10% of your life.
In My Way To Be Free
Achieve a 100% success in every encounter of the third episode.
Blowin' in the Wind
Achieve a 100% success in every encounter of the third episode while playing a Volva with a maximum memory.
Like A Crow On A Wire
Complete the third episode.
The EXP cap for Like a Crow on a Wire is 515000.