Brown Dust 2 Beginner Guides

Roster Development

Buffers are king, but they still need someone to buff. As a general rule of thumb, you should prioritize your resources as follows:

For most story content, you'll want to try and clear encounters in a single turn. Adding a couple supports is superior to using 5 damage-dealing characters. Avoid tanks and dedicated healers (buffers that also heal are fine).


It's more impactful to have +3 supports and +0 DPS than the other way around. You'll use the same supports for most encounters, but the DPS will change depending on the enemy element, quantity, placement, resistances, etc.

The worst strategy you can do is to draw purely for collection purposes, where you try to get 1 copy of every costume. This is going to put you in a weaker position than if you'd committed to going for multiple copies for a few strong costumes. Some costumes will perform well at +0, but there's a limit to it.

Most costumes have one upgrade level where the SP cost goes down by 1 with no other changes (either +1 or +3, depending on the age of the costume). You should try to reach this level if you can on any costume you plan to use long term, since it can make or break a strategy.


These are your meta supports and their ideal upgrade level. They're the best recipients for your Selective Costume Enhancement ticket from the Golden Thread shop. If you spot them for sale in any shop, do not hesitate to buy them. They're roughly ordered by priority.

  • +5 Diana (Adventurer of the Unknown)
  • +5 Helena (B-Rank Idol)
  • +5 Liberta (Dark Saintess)
  • +5 Lathel (Homunculus)
  • +4 Levia (Track and Field Captain)
  • +4 Rafina (Game Club)
  • +5 Refithea (Pure White Blessing)
  • +3 Zenith (Robin Hood)
  • +3 Refithea (The Gluttonous)

Damage Dealers (DPS)

Due to power creep, it's difficult to write a comprehensive list of the best offensive characters. You want to look for costumes that can do good damage and hit multiple tiles. These are good baselines to compare your drawn costumes against.

  • Sacred Justia (Reclaimed Destiny)
  • Liatris (Rodev's Star & Maid Name R)
  • Loen (Last Hope)
  • Venaka (DJ)
  • Yuri (Comeback Idol)


If you need to clear a lot of enemies, more tiles is usually better. Abilities with 3x3 coverage are an obvious top choice, but 5-tile wide abilities offer more flexibility in terms of unit placement.

  1. diamond (13)
  2. 3x3 (9)
  3. cross (9)

Some of my other favorite ranges

  • horizontal (5)
  • 9-tile cone (9)
  • 3x2 (6)
  • 4-tile tetris piece (4)

If you're lucky enough to get a banner for a costume that's worth taking to +5, the best strategy is to draw to +3 early on, then wait to +5 on the very last day. If you're lucky, you'll get a copy or two from free draws, and there's nothing more depressing than getting 300 golden threads instead of a costume. Instead of draws, you could use the draw point exchange if you haven't already or use the Selective Costume Enhancement to get +4, then pickup the +5 from the Powder of Hope shop (since +5 doesn't get you any tickets from the pickup event).


Make sure you complete the hardest difficulty you can for the Slime Kingdom in Path of Adventure and spend your rice on hunt requests there when it's a bonus day for them.

Leveling increases your character's HP and ATK or Magic ATK, so your main damage characters should be leveled first. Very early on, you won't have a lot of slimes for leveling up with so it's OK if your supports rely on combat EXP to level if they're not really doing any damage. When you've got a surplus later on, you'll max them out so they can take some hits for you.

Slimes per Hunt Request (6 rice) on Bonus Day
Yellow (200xp) Blue (800xp) Red (2000xp) EXP
30 30 0 30000
0 38 0 30400
160 0 0 32000
130 8 0 32400
0 30 6 36000
130 0 6 38000
30 0 20 46000
0 8 20 46400
0 0 26 52000

Worst case scenario, it will take about 5 bonus days (1 week) for the Slime Kingdom to accumulate enough slimes to take a character from 1 to 100. Alternately, you could take 2 characters to 80 with slimes leftover.

Slimes Needed per Level Cap
Level Cap Yellow (200xp) Blue (800xp) Red (2000xp)
20 5 2 1
40 21 6 3
60 1099 314 110
80 2458 703 246
100 3944 1127 395
Total 7527 2152 755
EXP 1,505,400 (estimated)

If you're stuck and you think a character is going to help you right now, don't be afraid to level them. The amount of slimes it takes to get to level 40 is pretty small. If you're close, then you can add a few more levels. Otherwise you can try something else. Even if the character ends up not being useful later, those levels invested will still provide value to your account. You may want to keep a small stash of slimes just in case you need to level someone so you can clear a specific encounter.

The only thing that will seem scarce are the 2* and 4* rank-up items. For whatever reason, the story gives out a wealth of 1* and 3* rank-ups, but really skimps on the 2*. Every two weeks, there is a new event shop. This is the best place to buy rank-up stars if you need them. The only ones that have a limit are the 4* rank-ups: you can only buy 8, but you'll occasionally get them from the various passes. You can also buy them in the Evil Castle shop, but they're more expensive and lower priority than the ability rank-up books. By the time your account is 3 months old, you'll be pretty close to having all of your 5*s uncapped to level 100 and might even have a surplus of 4* rank-ups.


These recommendations are for PvE. If you're looking to be competitive in Mirror Wars (PvP), you'll need to focus on different gear and stats.

Prioritize DPS for gear, focusing on jewelry, weapons, and gloves. Most supports don't need gear to improve their ability, so just gear them defensively.

Each character has one piece of exclusive gear. The UR version is very nice to have, but by no means necessary. Newer players are going to get more value from their draw tickets if they spend them on costumes. If you get one from the daily free draws, congratulations! Otherwise, you'll be crafting your gear.

Continue crafting R4s if you need them for new characters, otherwise craft the cheapest N item until you reach legendary crafting and alchemy.

Because it's cheap to improve R4 gear, it's often considered to be better than SR or low quality UR gear, unless you get lucky on secondary mods after upgrading to +9. Generally speaking, gear is ranked as follows.

Crit DMG on Rings by Quality
Quality Value BBS Gear Score
SR4 35% 781
Fiend SR (guaranteed SSS) 28% 806
UR2 30%
SR3 28% 625
UR1 25%
SR2 21% 469
SR1 ?% 392

Note that not all exclusives are created equal. Weapons and gloves are universally good. Chest and helm are less good because you'll lose the exclusive bonus if you need the other type of armor. The worst are accessories because the ones that matter can't roll crit damage. They're basically only good if you need the crit chance for something like PvP or floors 41+ in Tower of Jealousy/Tower of Wrath.

SR Gear

Do not be tempted to craft SR gear as a new player. No matter how much you're struggling, this gear won't help you as much as you think it will. You'll burn through your entire stash of raw materials after making about 5 things. It's better to stick to the cheaper R4 or the superior UR.

Once you've exhausted your supply of Ancient Crystals from crafting UR and you still have a large stockpile of crafting materials, it's safe to craft some SR for collection bonus. I wouldn't recommend rerolling the mods because it uses the same precious refining crystals as UR.

If you're done crafting for collection bonus, you can craft and dismantle SR circlets for refining crystals. This is the only recipe that doesn't require metal or wood, making it very cheap. You can equip the SR4s on your benchwarmers to improve your Last Night score, dismantle the rest.

UR Gear

There's only a handful of URs that are considered BiS. There are a few characters where that's not the case, but it's not something you need to worry about this early in the game.

Safest UR Choices for PvE
Slot Physical Magic
Jewelry Venomous Touch
Weapon Evil Dragon's Blade Travel God's Friend
Hand Prime Authority Dragon Scale's Protection

Jewelry first. You can do gloves and weapons in any order. If you have exclusive or decent event shop weapons, craft gloves. Otherwise do weapons.

For every UR4, you'll probably get 3-4 UR3s. Put the UR4s on your strongest characters and the UR3s on any other strong characters you have. UR1s and UR2s can go on your benchwarmers to improve your Last Night score, or dismantle for refining crystals. Supports can keep wearing R4s or be geared the same as your benchwarmers.

Refining crystals are much harder to get than the refining stones you used on your R4s. As a result, I usually only reroll UR3s and UR4s if they have less than 2 usable mods. If I end up with crit damage + ATK% + defense, then I'll move on to the next one. When I have a surplus of refining crystals, I'll come back and eliminate the useless mod if it's a UR4.

Once you have a good amount of gear for your regular characters, you can start crafting armor.

Most Commonly Used Armor
Slot Defense Magic Resist
Body Invulnerable Armor Monster Guard
Head Helm of Carnage Radiant Wisdom

You're roughly looking to increase your attributes in this order:

  1. 500% crit DMG
  2. 1800 ATK/M.ATK
  3. 620% crit DMG
  4. ATK/M.ATK the rest of the way

Potential Liberation (Potentials)

Make sure you complete the hardest difficulty you can for each element of the Crystal Caves in Path of Adventure and spend your torches on hunt requests every day.

This is a permanent choice, there's no undo and investing the crystals or tears into another character. Choose wisely!

Potentials are the most time-gated way to improve your characters. You get 250-290 crystals from your daily 60 torches on very hard, allowing you to fully potential a 5* character in 10-12 days if you have the Tears. Tears of the Goddess are used to unlock the ability nodes and they're the most limited currency in the game. Only buy the one in the thread shop if you can afford the selective upgrade every month.

Potential Requirements
Rarity Crystals Tears
5* 3000 3
4* 1430 1
3* 750 1
Tear of the Goddess Locations
Qty Location When Notes
3 Event shop Every 2 weeks
1 Tower of Salvation, level 2 Every 4 weeks
1 Guild Shop 1 per month
3 Golden Thread Shop Once per month (resets on the 1st) The selective enhancement ticket is higher priority

It's easy to be tempted to spend your crystals unlocking ability damage increases, but you'll get more value out of focusing on QoL improvements. Here's a general guideline:


The only thing better than making your characters do more damage is to make them do even more damage by unlocking potentials. Consider this eating your vegetables. If you skip out on them, particularly the range and cooldown recommendations, it's going to limit what you can do in Fiend Hunts.

Notable Support Potentials
Character Costume Skill Potential Tears
Universally Good 21
Helena B-Rank Idol All (SP reduction is lower priority) 3
Liberta Dark Saintess All (SP reduction is lower priority) 3
Lathel Homunculus All 3
Teresse Beachside Angel All 3
Levia Track and Field Captain Vulnerability increase (damage prerequisite) 2
Diana Adventurer of the Unknown Property Bonus increase 1
Refithea Pure White Blessing Range 1
Teresse Medical Club Buff increase 1
Liberta Onsen Manager Buff increase 1
Zenith Robin Hood All 3
Fiend Hunter Recommended 11
Diana Adventurer of the Unknown Cooldown 1
Refithea The Gluttonous All (cooldown is most important, requires 2 tears) 3
Celia The Curse Cooldown (damage prerequisite), if < 3 costumes 2
Celia Descendant of the Great Witch Cooldown (damage prerequisite), if < 3 costumes 2
Liberta Onsen Manager Duration 1
Seir New Hire Duration, Cooldown 2
Take if you need them 13
Rafina Game Club SP reduction (damage prerequisite) 2
Rubia Empress of the Ocean Defense reduction x2 2
Elise Lovely Lady Cooldown 1
Diana Adventurer of the Unknown Range 1
Teresse Medical Club Range 1
Teresse Angel of Destruction Range 1
Refithea Pure White Blessing Energy Guard increase x2 2
Seir B-Rank Idol Duration, only if you have New Hire 1
Olstein Sage of Blue Skies Range, Cooldown 2
3* and 4*s Worth Considering 3
Arines Priest of Vitality Buff increase 1
Elpis Hand of Salvation Buff increase 1
Samay Kind Student SP reduction (goes to 0SP cost!) 1
Total Tears 48

Damage Dealers (DPS)

Because DPS characters are swapped in and out as the situation dictates, investing in their potentials tends to be lower value compared to supports. Players who focus on Fiend Hunts will usually potential the costume that's going to help them the most for the current season.

Notable Quality of Life Potentials
Character Costume Skill Potential Tears
Liatris Maid Name R Range 1
Loen Last Hope Range (damage prerequisite) 2
Sacred Justia Reclaimed Destiny Range (damage prerequisite) 2
Morpeah Beach Vacation SP Reduction, Cooldown 2
Elise Code Name O Cooldown 1
Sylvia Admiral Cooldown 1
Justia Pool Party SP generation 1

Some costumes have unusually large damage increase potentials. Most of them are older costumes.

  • Scheherazade (Lapis Witch)
  • Rubia (Thorn of the Desert)
  • Gray (Sharpshooter of the Mist)
  • Gray (Vanguard)
  • Ventana (Snow White)
  • Venaka (DJ)


Most characters have a clear winner for general purpose bonding and a second costume that's better suited when you have elemental advantage. When you're just starting out, this level of min-maxing is not something you need to worry about. Potential for the ability nodes you need first. If you only have one costume for that character potentialed, then bond to that one. If you have multiple, bond to whichever gives you the best stats.

Engraving & Awakening

The stat increases you get through this system are smaller than what you get from potentials. New players should wait to invest until they've got large stockpiles of money, since investing in improving gear and potentials is more cost effective. Make sure to buy out the materials from the event shop, guild shop, and Evil Castle shops until you're ready to spend.

Best Awakening and Engraving Material Sources
Material Qty Location Reset
Awakening Elixir 100 Guild Shop Beginning of the month
Awakening Elixir 5 Last Night rewards Daily
Essences 100 Guild Shop Beginning of the month
Essences 50 Event Shop 2 weeks
Essences 200 Evil Castle Shop 4 weeks

Assuming you can buy out the Guild Shop each reset, you'll be able to awaken 1 character every month with a little leftover. You can fully engrave 3 characters every month.

Engraving Costs per Attribute
Level Scrolls Essence Gold ATK Crit DMG HP Defense
1 10 2 20k 1 1.5% 9 0.3%
2 10 3 30k 1 1.5% 9 0.3%
3 20 5 50k 2 3% 18 0.6%
4 20 5 50k 2 3% 18 0.6%
5 30 10 100k 3 4% 27 0.9%
6 30 10 100k 3 5% 27 0.9%
7 50 15 150k 4 5% 33 1.1%
8 50 15 150k 4 6% 33 1.1%
9 50 15 150k 4 5% 33 1.1%
10 100 20 200k 10 11% 36 1.2%
Sub Total 370 100 1M 34 45% 243 8%
Grand Total (x3) 1110 300 3M

There are 3 attributes to level. The final stage of awakening costs 200 Awakening Elixirs and 500k gold.