Brown Dust 2 Beginner Guides

Team Building

There isn't any one team that will get you through the game. You can get away with using the same 5 characters for the first 6 or 7 story packs because the difficulty increases very slowly. After that, you're going to start needing a broadly developed roster in order to adapt to the enemy's composition.

The basic formula for PvE content looks like this:

The remaining positions are going to depend on what you're doing.

Supports include lots of roles: buffers, debuffers, batteries, pushers, chainers. Some costumes can fill multiple roles (eg. Levia debuffs, chains, and does respectable damage). All buffs and debuffs stack. For your damage dealers, you'll usually need one with wide AoE damage to clear out most of the trash and another to clean-up any leftovers.

New Player Quick Start

As a new player, it can be overwhelming trying to figure out which characters are good. You get a bunch of low rarity characters dumped on you and some not very helpful advice from Justia in the first chapter.

The 3* and 4* costumes should get to +5 pretty quickly from doing draws. Some of them are better than the 5* costumes you start off with at +0. There is a big advantage to having characters with more than one costume, especially if you end up going multiple turns. This makes Justia particularly useful in the early part of the story.

Best Early Characters for Damage
Character Property Element Tiles Notes
Maria Archmage Magic Dark 3 vertical Good damage and range for a 3*, but not enough early magic characters to make a team with
Samay Kind Liberator Magic Dark 4 top cross Reduces enemy magic resist and does good damage
Cynthia Warmth within the Severe Cold Magic Water 5-tile X Her initial damage is quite low, but it comes with a very potent DoT. Useful in fights that last more than 1 turn, assuming you can make use of her X pattern. You'll want to take her when you challenge the Crystal Cave of Fire.
Kardis' Bullet Ingrid Physical Water 2 vertical Does more damage than +0 Scheherazade, but smaller range
Gynt Lugo Hunter Physical Wind 2 horizontal Does more damage than +0 Gray, but smaller range
Wiggle Bomb Fanatic Physical Fire 5-tile cross Competitive with 5*s, but only one use per fight. He'll carry for most of the story.
Kry Liberated Marauder Physical Dark 5-tile X Reduces enemy defense and does good damage. Note, however, that defense cannot go below 0.
Justia White Reaper, Knight of Blood Physical Light 2 vertical
3 horizontal
2 costumes. Ignores defense, but can't critical. This makes her very strong in the early story chapters, but less useful than the 3*s over time. She's also strong in PvP.
Eleaneer Piercing Magic Bow Physical Dark 3 horizontal Brand new accounts will only have her if they got her in the infinite roll, but she can be recruited later at the pub with a contract (note that Diana and Liatris are higher priority). Good damage and the cheapest dispel in the game (tied with Scheherazade's limited Pool Party costume). You'll find her very helpful during story chapters 10 and 12-14.

The rest of the easily accessible characters either do poor damage or are single target. You'll want to make sure you take either Arines or Elpis, depending on what kind of damage the other characters on your team do.

Early Supporting Characters
Character (Costume) Summary
Arines physical buffer + crit chance
Elpis magic buffer + crit chance
Samay (Kind Student) universal buff + heal
Rigenette concentrated fire (allows "very front" characters to skip)
Lucrezia battery + silence
Kry (Violent Student) knocks 2 enemies back 2 tiles, remains useful for a long time

It's easier to form a physical team if you didn't get anything useful from draws. Magic tends to be have higher SP cost, so it's a little more challenging to use on top of having few good choices. So grab Arines, Wiggle, and any good physical characters you have. This should give you a good starting point until you get more familiar with the game's mechanics.

Sample Party Compositions for New Accounts
Character Costume Role SP Cost
Just 3 Stars (Physical) 11sp
Arines Priest of Vitality Buff 2SP
Wiggle Bomb Fanatic AoE Damage 3SP
Ingrid Kardis' Bullet Damage 3SP
Gynt Lugo Hunter Damage 3SP
Just 3 and 4 Stars (Physical) 10sp
Arines Priest of Vitality Buff 2SP
Samay Kind Student Buff 1SP
Wiggle Bomb Fanatic AoE Damage 3SP
Kry Liberated Marauder Armor Piercing/Damage 4SP
Chapter 2 Magic 11sp
Hand of Salvation Buff 2SP
Kind Student Buff 1SP
Archmage Damage 4SP
Lapis Witch Damage 4SP

Basic Damage Formula

TLDR: it's usually best to have multiple different types of damage boosts, rather than focusing on a single one like ATK.

In the case of multi-hit attacks, each hit is calculated separately due to increasing chain counts.

Understanding Property Damage (Elemental Advantage and Weakness)

This is the most important concept you need to understand before you start planning your team, even more important than deciding between physical or magic damage.

Excerpt from the in-game Guidebook under the "Property" section. Light and Dark beat each other. Water quenches Fire, Fire consumes Wind (air?), Wind blows Water? Got any better ideas on how to remember this?

Property is just the game's way of saying element. All characters have a property damage attribute (eg. Fire DMG), most have a property resist attribute (eg. Wind Resist). These values are 50% by default. You can find this information by viewing any unit's attributes.

This is Loen, she has the fire property. This gives her Fire DMG and Wind Resist attributes. Dark and light characters don't have any elemental resistances.

Property damage only takes effect if the character's element is strong against the enemy's element. If your character has the fire property and she's fighting a wind enemy, she's going to do 50% more damage. This can make weaker characters competitive with stronger ones, especially if you pair them with Diana.

When you have elemental advantage, there will be little green arrows pointing up. Red arrows will point down when there's a disadvantage. Both of these characters have the maximum defense you can get (90%). Lathel is fire based and takes dramatically more damage from this water enemy than the wind-based Lecliss.

The property resist attribute is a little more straight forward. If your character has the fire property and is attacking a water enemy, which has an inherent Fire Resist property, she's going to do 50% less damage. So if you don't have any characters who are strong against the enemy's element, the next best thing you can do is make sure you aren't using characters who are weak to it. Liatris is a good easy pick for fire, since you can recruit her from the pub.

Strong Characters by Element
Element Advantage Weakness Physical Magic
Light Dark none Sacred Justia, Yuri, Ventana Angelica, Michaela
Dark Light none Luvencia, Blade, Eleaneer Nartas, Eclipse, Maria
Water Fire Wind Sylvia, Rafina Scheherazade, Roxy (limited), Morpeah
Fire Wind Water Liatris, Eris (limited) Loen, Levia
Wind Water Fire Nebris, Hikage, Gray Dalvi, Venaka

Not all elements are equal. Nartas and Sylvia might be the strongest characters in their respective elements, but they're weaker than characters like Loen or Yuri if you're in a situation where you don't have elemental advantage.

There are two ways to increase your property damage: buffs and potentials. Each character has at least one costume that has two property damage nodes, each worth 15%. This brings your character up from 50% to 80% property damage. However, bonding to this costume is usually not the best choice for when you don't have elemental advantage. Take 1 or 2 of these characters to buff your property damage:

Note that there are a few places where enemies don't have an element. Just use your strongest characters and skip the property damage buffs.

Know Your Pushers

Pushing enemies around lets you increase how many enemies you can hit by your team's AoE attacks, or make inaccessible enemies more accessible. Bosses and a few other enemies are immune to knockback.

Click! Click! Summer event (August 2024), Challenge 15. The last character on my team, Roxy, is a skip with a 5x5 diamond pattern. With the current positioning, she would target the large dragon in the very back, leaving 3 enemies still alive and no good way to kill them. Pushing one of the golems in the front to the center lane changes Roxy's target to the scorpion in the middle instead, allowing her to hit all enemies on the field. Levia goes before the push to ensure the large dragon is her primary target for the larger damage bonus.

The good thing about pushers is that you don't need to level them in order for them to be effective, unless you plan on having them use an ability on a following turn.

Super Pushers
Costume Description
Emma, School Queen
Knocks 1 target 2 tiles to the left
Fred, Lugo Defense Force
Knocks 1 target 2 tiles back
Rou, White Cat
Knocks 1 target 3 tiles back
Kry, Violent Student
Knocks 2 targets back 2 tiles (potential increases range by 1 tile, but you have to be in the left lane to hit all 3 targets)
Teresse, Angel of Destruction
Knocks 3 targets back 2 tiles (potential increases range by 2 tiles, allowing you to target the side lanes and still hit 3 enemies)

Most characters knock the enemy straight back, but there are a few that push different directions.

Unusual Knockback Directions
Direction Very Front Skip
Back-Right Layla Rubia Yumi Blade Loen
Back-Left Beatrice Lathel Yomi Eclipse Michaela
Right Angelica Luvencia Remnunt
Left Emma Ventana Venaka Nebris Gynt
Pull Forward Liberta Dalvi Refithea Morpeah

Morpeah is currently the only summoner. Her pets have a different knockback direction than she does.

Morpeah and Her Summons
Unit Costume Targeting Knockback Range
Morpeah Any Skip Pull Forward 1
Persona of Worship (Heart) Beach Vacation Very Front Back-Left Horizontal (3)
Persona of Slander (Thumbs Up) Beach Vacation Very Front Back-Right Vertical (3)
Bunny Spectre Daydream Bunny Very Front Back-Right 3x3 (9)

What damage attribute are you using?

Physical attackers use ATK, magic uses Magic ATK. It's usually best to stick to either physical or magical damage characters within any given team to maximize the damage boost you get from your supports.

Magic characters have a staff icon, physical characters have a sword icon.

There are notable suports for both damage attributes. If they have low upgrades, costumes like Dark Saintess Liberta, B-Rank Idol Helena, and Medical Club Teresse can be worse than their more common counterparts.

Damage Type Specific Supports
Support Type Physical Magic Any
ATK/Magic ATK + crit rate buff
Liberta, Dark Saintess
Arines, Priest of Vitality
Helena, B-Rank Idol
Elpis, Hand of Salvation
ATK/Magic ATK buff
Lathel, Homunculus
Teresse, Medical Club
Samay, Kind Student
Damage Amplification
Rafina, Game Club (debuff)
Levia, Track and Field Captain (debuff)

What are Chains?

Every time you hit an enemy in a single turn, the chain counter for that enemy goes up. Each enemy has its own chain counter. For every chain, your next attack on that target gets a 10% damage boost. This applies to each hit of a multi-hit attack, too. If you have chain 10, the next hit will do 100% more damage. This means you should use your weaker multi-hit attacks before your stronger low-hit attacks if you want to do the most damage.

I attacked 4 tiles this turn, but not every tile got the same number of hits: 22, 28, 28, 40. The tile with 40 chains on it increased the last hit of Angelica's 3-hit attack by 390%, on top of being a weak tile that takes 300% more damage. The other weak tile is a 200% increase.

Part of the challenge is finding the right balance between chains and damage dealt. The costumes with the highest number of attacks usually do the least damage. Depending on the situation, this might make your final hit have big numbers, but lower overall damage. This is why costumes like Game Club Rafina (3-hit) and Track and Field Captain Levia (4-hit) are particularly attractive, because they bring more to the table than just chains.

If you go to Last Night, you can see how many chains your costumes do at a glance. Buffers and tanks don't do any.
Chain Related Costumes
Portrait Character Costume Description
Refithea Pure White Blessing In addition to increasing property damage, she increases the amount of chains your characters generate by 1. This ability has to be used every turn due to its short duration, making it difficult to use her weaker second costume.
Celia Masquerade Bunny This costume has a self-buff that increases the amount of chains she generates by 1 (The Curse goes from generating 7 chains to 14, 21 with Refithea). Primarily used in Fiend Hunt. Introduced as a limited costume in December 2023.
Teresse Beachside Angel Increases the damage your entire team does, as long as your target has 5 chains or less on it. This means you can use Descendant of the Great Witch Celia (5 hits) plus Last Hope Loen (1 hit) and still get the damage boost. If you use Track and Field Team Loen (2 hits) instead, only the first hit of Loen's attack gets the damage boost. This stacks additively with the "vulnerability" debuff. Introduced as a limited costume in August 2024.
Liberta Onsen Manager Once the target has 10 chains on it or more, your allies will do extra damage. This stacks additively with the "vulnerability" debuff.
Eris Esteemed Adventurer Her damage nearly doubles if her attack will result in 7 chains or less. Introduced as a limited costume during the Mushoku Tensei collaboration in May-June 2024.
Luvencia Wild Dog At +5, her damage doubles if her attack will result in a chain that's a multiple of 3 (calculated separately for each hit of the attack). Worst outcome is when the number of chains on the target before she attacks is a multiple of 3 (eg. 0, 3, 6). Best outcome is when there is a chain bonus that is a multiple of 3n+2 (eg. 2, 5, 8), making every attack generate chains that are a multiple of 3.

Damage Amplification

Any time an ability says something to the effect of increases damage [taken] by x%, it falls under the damage amplification term. When it's a debuff, it's called Vulnerability, while the buff is called Augmentation. These stack together additively.

Damage Amplification Costumes
Portrait Character Costume Purpose Notes SP Hits Range
Teresse Beachside Angel (limited) Buff Increases damage if the target has 5 or less chains on it. 4-2SP all
Liberta Onsen Manager Buff Increases damage if the target has 10 or more chains on it. Primarily used for Fiend Hunter, Guild Raid, Last Night, and Tower of Salvation. 3-2SP all
Seir New Hire Buff Applies a stacking buff to all allies every time she's hit. Requires the cooldown and duration potentials to be useful. You'll really only use her in Fiend Hunter or Guild Raid if the boss has multiple multi-hit attacks. 3-2SP 1-tile
Zenith Robin Hood Debuff + Concentrated Fire + Chains 2-0SP 1-tile
Rafina Game Club Debuff + Chains 5-3SP 3-hit 3x3 (9)
Eris Your Very Own Cat Debuff + Chains The vulnerability is only on the main target. Potential increases range to 3x2 6-4SP 5-hit Inverted fan (4)
Blade Young Lady Debuff + Chains The vulnerability is only on the main target. Potential increases range to 3x3 with main target in the front row (same as Wind Dancer Venaka). 5-4SP 4-hit 3x2 (6)
Levia Track and Field Captain Debuff + Chains Main target takes 20% additional damage 5-4SP 4-hit 3x3 (9)
Element Specific
Venaka Wind Dancer Wind Debuff Very front targeting with the main target in the front row 4-3SP 1-hit 3x3 (9)
Ventana Onsen Practitioner Light Debuff Requires the target to have a Taunt or Concentrated Fire effect. 3-2SP 1-hit 1-tile

Specialty Roles

You won't always need these, but there will be times when you can't brute force the problem by throwing more damage at it.

Tower of Desire, 127F. Loen can 1-shot these enemies, but they're split too far apart to do it in a single turn and I can't swap in enough pushers to change that. Lucrezia will silence the 3 in the back so I can stall until Loen's attack comes off cooldown.
Specialty Roles
Purpose Description Example Costumes
Dispel Remove dangerous buffs like counter or annoying damage reduction buffs. Each costume that can dispel has a different tile pattern, so it's helpful to get all of them!
  • Scheherazade (any)
  • Yuri (Whitebolt)
  • Eleaneer (Piercing Magic Bow)
Silence Enemy can't use abilities. If you can't kill the enemy outright, sometimes the next best thing you can do is stall with silence. Most bosses are immune to this.
  • Lucrezia (Seductive Wings)
  • Olstein (Fiend Scholar)
Battery SP Generation. Note that the SP doesn't become available until the following turn.
  • Lucrezia (Seductive Wings)
  • Olstein (Fiend Scholar)
  • Eclipse (Nightmare Bunny)
Armor Piercing Defense or magic resist reduction. Note that defense/magic resist cannot go below 0. Not very many enemies have defense/resist, usually just bosses.
  • Elise (Lovely Lady), both
  • Rafina (Code Name A), physical
  • Kry (Liberated Marauder), physical
  • Gray (B-Rank Manager), magic
  • Venaka (DJ), magic
Concentrated Fire Applies a taunt effect to the enemy. This allows characters to hit targets they wouldn't normally be able to hit due to positioning or by allowing "very front" characters to "skip".
  • Zenith (Robin Hood)
  • Rigenette (Little Hunter)
Tanks You'll rarely use these outside of Mirror Wars or Tower of Salvation. There are two kinds: evasion and damage reduction. Evasion is better suited against single high-damage attacks, damage reduction works better against multi-hit attacks.
  • Justia (Pool Party), evasion
  • Rou (White Cat), evasion
  • Seir (Demon's Daughter), damage reduction
  • Glacia (Alice), damage reduction

Putting it All Together (Basic Template)

There is no "one size fits all" team. You have to find the right combination of buffs, debuffs, pushers, and chains to make your team out damage the enemy. Lots of enemies? Use big AoE attacks. Can't kill hit all enemies in a single AoE volley? Bring another damage dealer or silencer to deal with whatever you miss. A single boss fight? Grab your highest damage single-target attacker and buff the hell out of them.

Take 2-4 from the following table, add any pushers or specialty roles you need, and your damage dealer(s) for the job.

Meta Team Members for Most Content
Portrait Character Costume Purpose Notes SP Hits Range
Diana Adventurer of the Unknown Property Damage + Crit Rate Buff Skip if you don't have elemental advantage 3-2SP cross (9)
Teresse Beachside Angel (limited) Damage Amplification Buff Skip if the total number of hits your team will do is 7 or more 4-2SP all
Teresse Medical Club ATK & Magic ATK Buff + Heal over Time If you have Beachside Angel, you'll almost never use this on turn 1. If you aren't using her Beachside Angel costume, skip if less than +2 or you have a second ATK/Magic ATK buffer. 4-3SP 3x3 (9)
Samay Kind Student ATK & Magic ATK Buff + Heal over Time Only use if you're short on SP or lacking a second ATK/Magic ATK buffer. Must be used every turn. 1-0SP all
Liberta Dark Saintess ATK + Crit Rate Buff Better ATK buff than Arines, but only if +2 with potentials. Better crit rate buff than Arines, but only if +3. Also restores SP. 3-1SP all
Arines Priest of Vitality ATK + Crit Rate Buff 2SP all
Lathel Homunculus ATK Buff The first 2 turns of the buff are better than what Arines and Liberta give. The remaining turns are worse or equal, depending on dupes and potentials. 2-1SP all
Rafina Game Club Damage Amplification Debuff + Chains 5-3SP 3-hit 3x3 (9)
Helena B-Rank Idol Magic ATK + Crit Rate Buff Better Magic ATK buff than Elpis, but only if +2 with potentials. Better crit rate buff than Elpis, but only if +5. 3-1SP all
Elpis Hand of Salvation Magic ATK + Crit Rate Buff 2SP all
Levia Track and Field Captain Damage Amplification Debuff + Chains Main target takes 20% additional damage 5-4SP 4-hit 3x3 (9)

Example Teams

Here are a few teams you can use for inspiration, some have one free slot for a character of your choice. You may need to take SP reduction potentials or obtain a certain number of costume duplicates before you can squeeze all of your abilities into the first turn.

Example Physical Teams

Physical teams are generally more accessible to newer players. No matter what banners are running, Liatris is always recruitable from the pub and most of the good 3 and 4* characters are physical. Physical costumes are more likely to have self buffs and tend to have smaller range, but greater damage potential.

Sample Physical Compositions
Portrait Character Costume Role SP Cost Hits Range
Early Liatris Carry (Physical) 14-10sp Chain-8
Arines Priest of Vitality ATK + Crit Rate Buff 2SP all
Samay Samay Kind Student ATK Buff 1SP all
Rafina Game Club Damage Amplification/Chain 5-3SP 3-hit 3x3 (9)
Liatris Rodev's Star AoE Damage/Chain 6-4SP 5-hit 3x3 (9)
Very First Solo Boss Kill (Partan, ch11 Fake Game) 17-13sp Chain-7
Diana Adventurer of the Unknown Property Damage + Crit Rate Buff 3-2SP cross (9)
Arines Priest of Vitality ATK + Crit Rate Buff 2SP all
Liatris Rodev's Star AoE Damage/Chain 6-4SP 5-hit 3x3 (9)
Wiggle Bomb Fanatic AoE Damage 3SP 1-hit cross (5)
Lathel Promise of Vengeance Focused Damage 3-2SP 1-hit 1
Advanced Solo Boss Kill (Nox, ch12 or ch14) 14-9sp Chain-14
Diana Adventurer of the Unknown Property Damage + Crit Rate Buff 3-2SP cross (9)
Refithea Pure White Blessing Property Damage + Chain Buff 3-2SP cross (5) 3x3 (9)
Arines Priest of Vitality ATK + Crit Rate Buff 2SP all
Zenith Robin Hood Damage Amplification/Chain 2-0SP 6-hit x 2 1
Yuri Comeback Idol Focused Damage 4-3SP 1-hit x 2 horizontal (5)
Maximize Maid Liatris 19-11sp Chain-9
Liberta Dark Saintess ATK + Crit Rate Buff 3-1SP all
Lathel Homunculus ATK Buff 2-1SP all
Rafina Game Club Damage Amplification/Chain 5-3SP 3-hit 3x3 (9)
Gray Vanguard Chain/DoT 5-3SP 5-hit 3x3 (9)
Liatris Maid Name R AoE Damage 4-3SP 1-hit cross (5) 3x3 (9)
No Advantage Physical 20-14sp Chain-5
Liberta Dark Saintess ATK + Crit Rate Buff 3-1SP all
Lathel Homunculus ATK Buff 2-1SP all
Rafina Game Club Damage Amplification/Chain 5-3SP 3-hit 3x3 (9)
Sacred Justia Reclaimed Destiny AoE Damage 6-5SP 1-hit 3x3 (9) diamond (13)
Yuri Comeback Idol Focused Damage (optional) 4-3SP 1-hit horizontal (5)
General Purpose (High Crit Rate) 20-14sp Chain-5
Liberta Dark Saintess ATK + Crit Rate Buff 3-1SP all
Arines Priest of Vitality ATK + Crit Rate Buff 2SP all
Rafina Game Club Damage Amplification/Chain 5-3SP 3-hit 3x3 (9)
Sacred Justia Reclaimed Destiny AoE Damage 6-5SP 1-hit 3x3 (9) diamond (13)
Yuri Comeback Idol Focused Damage (optional) 4-3SP 1-hit horizontal (5)
General Purpose (High Crit Rate) 20-13sp Chain-5
Liberta Dark Saintess ATK + Crit Rate Buff 3-1SP all
Arines Priest of Vitality ATK + Crit Rate Buff 2SP all
Teresse Beachside Angel Damage Amplification 4-2SP all
Rafina Game Club Damage Amplification/Chain 5-3SP 3-hit 3x3 (9)
Sacred Justia Reclaimed Destiny AoE Damage 6-5SP 1-hit 3x3 (9) diamond (13)

Example Magic Teams

Magic costumes tend to have higher SP costs than their physical counterparts. This makes it a lot more challenging to get all of your abilities off on turn 1 if you don't have every possible SP reduction. The up side is that you have better sources for crit rate buffs and a wider variety of large AoE attacks.

Sample Magical Party Compositions without Limiteds
Character Costume Role SP Cost Hits Range
Advanced Solo Boss Kill (Nox, ch12 or ch14), crit fishing edition 18-12sp Chain-26
Diana Adventurer of the Unknown Property Damage + Crit Rate Buff 3-2SP cross (9)
Refithea Pure White Blessing Property Damage + Chain Buff 3-2SP cross (5) 3x3 (9)
Zenith Robin Hood Damage Amplification/Chain 2-0SP 6-hit x 2 1
Levia Track and Field Captain Damage Amplification/Chain 5-4SP 4-hit x 2 3x3 (9)
Angelica Pool Party Focused Damage 5-4SP 3-hit x 2 4-tile tetris piece (4)
General Purpose (with SP Recovery) 17-14sp Chain-6
Elpis Hand of Salvation Magic ATK + Crit Rate Buff 2SP all
Helena B-Rank Idol Magic ATK + Crit Rate Buff 3-1SP all
Levia Track and Field Captain Damage Amplification/Chain 5-4SP 4-hit 3x3 (9)
Loen Last Hope AoE Damage 5SP 1-hit cross (5) 3x3 (9)
Lucrezia Seductive Wings Silence/Battery 2SP 2-hit cross (5)
General Purpose Magic (High Chains) 18-13sp Chain-24
Refithea Pure White Blessing Property Damage + Chain Buff 3-2SP cross (5) 3x3 (9)
Helena B-Rank Idol Buff 3-1SP all
Olstein Sage of Blue Clouds Chain + Weaken + Dispel stat buffs 2-1SP 7-hit x 2 cross (5) 3x3 (9)
Levia Track and Field Captain Damage Amplification/Chain 5-4SP 4-hit x 2 3x3 (9)
Loen Last Hope AoE Damage 5SP 1-hit x 2 cross (5) 3x3 (9)
Strong Elemental Advantage for Fire 19-14sp Chain-10
Diana Adventurer of the Unknown Property Damage + Crit Rate Buff 3-2SP cross (9)
Refithea Pure White Blessing Property Damage + Chain Buff 3-2SP cross (5) 3x3 (9)
Helena B-Rank Idol Buff 3-1SP all
Levia Track and Field Captain Damage Amplification/Chain 5-4SP 4-hit x 2 3x3 (9)
Loen Last Hope AoE Damage 5SP 1-hit x 2 cross (5) 3x3 (9)
Sample Magical Party Compositions with Limiteds
Character Costume Role SP Cost Hits Range
General Purpose (High Crit Rate) 19-14sp Chain-5
Elpis Hand of Salvation Magic ATK + Crit Rate Buff 2SP all
Helena B-Rank Idol Magic ATK + Crit Rate Buff 3-1SP all
Teresse Beachside Angel Damage Amplification 4-2SP all
Levia Track and Field Captain Damage Amplification/Chain 5-4SP 4-hit 3x3 (9)
Loen Last Hope AoE Damage 5SP 1-hit cross (5) 3x3 (9)
General Purpose (with Clean-Up) 21-15sp Chain-6
Helena B-Rank Idol Magic ATK + Crit Rate Buff 3-1SP all
Teresse Beachside Angel Damage Amplification 4-2SP all
Levia Track and Field Captain Damage Amplification/Chain 5-4SP 4-hit 3x3 (9)
Loen Last Hope AoE Damage 5SP 1-hit cross (5) 3x3 (9)
Venaka DJ Armor Piercing/Focused Damage 4-3SP 1-hit cross (5) cross (9)
General Purpose Magic (High Chains) 20-15sp Chain-19
Refithea Pure White Blessing Property Damage + Chain Buff 3-2SP cross (5) 3x3 (9)
Helena B-Rank Idol Buff 3-1SP all
Celia Masquerade Bunny Chain self-buff 4-3SP 3-hit x 3 3x3 (9)
Levia Track and Field Captain Damage Amplification/Chain 5-4SP 4-hit x 2 3x3 (9)
Loen Last Hope AoE Damage 5SP 1-hit x 2 cross (5) 3x3 (9)
SP Hungry Magic 20-14sp Chain-7 or 8
Helena B-Rank Idol Magic ATK + Crit Rate Buff 3-1SP all
Teresse Beachside Angel Damage Amplification 4-2SP all
Lucrezia Seductive Wings Silence/Battery 2SP 2-hit cross (5)
Levia Track and Field Captain Damage Amplification/Chain 5-4SP 4-hit 3x3 (9)
Morpeah Beach Vacation AoE Damage 6-5SP 1 or 2-hit horizontal (3) vertical (3)
Elemental Advantage for Wind 13-11sp Chain-5
Diana Adventurer of the Unknown Property Damage + Crit Rate Buff 3-2SP cross (9)
Helena B-Rank Idol Magic ATK + Crit Rate Buff 3-1SP all
Dalvi Dalvi Summer Vacation AoE Damage 4SP 4-hit 3x3 (9)
Venaka DJ Armor Piercing/Focused Damage 4-3SP 1-hit cross (5) cross (9)
Elemental Advantage for Fire 19-14sp Chain-5
Diana Adventurer of the Unknown Property Damage + Crit Rate Buff 3-2SP cross (9)
Helena B-Rank Idol Buff 3-1SP all
Teresse Beachside Angel Damage Amplification 4-2SP all
Levia Track and Field Captain Damage Amplification/Chain 5-4SP 4-hit x 2 3x3 (9)
Loen Last Hope AoE Damage 5SP 1-hit x 2 cross (5) 3x3 (9)

Tower of Pride

Pretty much all of the general team building guidelines go out the window here. If you want to achieve the maximum score and tie for first place, you have to meet specific conditions. Sometimes you have no choice but to take mixed physical and magic teams or use a less than ideal support.

Floor Conditions
Floor Element Requirements Notes
1 Wind Bring at least 4 fire characters
2 Dark Bring at least 4 light characters Enemies have high defense
3 Fire Bring at least 4 water characters
4 Dark Bring at least 4 light characters
5 Water Bring at least 3 wind characters
6 Dark Bring at least 2 dark and 2 light characters

The other requirements for reaching the maximum score are as follows:

Check a more in-depth guide on DotGG.

Fiend Hunt

Fiend Hunt (FH) is a little bit different. Every two weeks, the season changes and a new fiend becomes available with completely different mechanics. The goal is to do as much damage as you can over a limited number of turns. The fiend tends to do non-lethal damage so you don't need to gear much for defense. In later stages, you'll use two or even three teams: when one team dies, the fiend's abilities are reset and the next team takes over and continues doing damage.